Wednesday, October 16, 2013


It's a good thing I have a thick skin. This morning, Theo and I had this conversation:
Theo: Mommy, Mrs. Jacobson [his kindergarten teacher] is very smart. She's smarter than you.
Me: She is smart. But what makes you say she's smarter than me?
Theo: Well, she's a teacher, so she's very, very smart.
True enough, though I am a teacher, too. I guess he forgets that. :-)

And then later today:
Theo: Mommy, Liz [his babysitter] is much smarter than you.
Me: What makes you say that?
Theo: She has better bread than you do.
Hmmm. Well, he's got me there. I make him eat nasty, gross gluten-free bread, and Liz gave him delicious, pillowy soft bread for his PB&J. Clearly she is smarter!

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