Wednesday, March 7, 2012

On Stevie Nicks's Tour...

Theo has very eclectic taste in music--he loves everything from Mozart to tuba music to Lady Gaga to the Beatles to Neil Diamond.... One of his recent favorites is Stevie Nicks, and he knows that Chris and I once saw Stevie Nicks in concert at the amphitheater that happens to be just about a mile down the road from our house. So this morning, as we were driving past a sign for the amphitheater, he announced, "Someday, we can go see Stevie Nicks in concert, and she will sing songs. She will sing the ABCs and some Neil Diamond songs!"

Oh, how the mighty have fallen! From the glory days of Fleetwood Mac to performing Neil Diamond covers and the ABCs for a four-year-old audience....

1 comment:

Jonna said...

I can't believe she hasn't done a children's album yet! ;-)