Friday, February 10, 2012

The Newest Peanut

Apologies for the week of radio silence around here--I was busy bringing the newest peanut into the world! The newest addition to the peanut gallery is of the Samuel Ames variety. This is a very rare, special, genetically enhanced peanut found in only 1 of 700 peanut births. Samuel Ames peanuts are very small, perfectly beautiful peanuts--so scrumptious-looking you could just eat them right up! They are a mild, mellow peanut not known for the acidity and punch of the Theodore Henry variety. These peanuts, however, are known to start sharing their wisdom a bit later than most other varieties of peanuts, so expect to hear far more from the Theodore Henry peanut than from the Samuel Ames peanut for a while. At the moment, the Samuel Ames peanut just gives suspicious glances every now and then upon making peanut poop....

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