Friday, February 3, 2012

Neil Diamond's Birthday

Theo is a huge Neil Diamond fan. This cracks me up. He heard Neil Diamond because I have a couple of his songs on my iPod. I do like some of his songs, but I can't say I'm a huge fan or anything. But Theo is! He loves, loves, loves Neil Diamond.

Anyway, Mr. Diamond's birthday was recently, I noticed, and I commented on it to Theo. He looked interested but didn't say anything more about it...until just a few days ago. He was going on and on about wanting a tuba, and we had this conversation:

Theo: Feo want a tuba for my birthday! I need to ask Santa Claus for one...
Me: Well, Santa Claus doesn't come for birthdays. Only Mommy and Daddy. And I hate to tell you this, but you're a little too small for a tuba just yet. You might have to wait a few years to get one.
Theo: Neil Diamond got a tuba for his birthday!
Me: Really? 
Theo: No, actually he got a trumpet. Neil Diamond got a trumpet for his birthday. Feo is going to get a tuba.
Me: Oh, I didn't know Neil Diamond got a trumpet for his birthday...
Theo: He did, Mama! He did! Neil Diamond got a trumpet for his birthday! And Feo will get a tuba...

Sounds like a fine birthday for Mr. Diamond. I'm not sure he even plays the trumpet, but I'm sure it was a lovely gift. And perhaps when "Feo" gets his tuba, the two of them can do some sort of brass duet.

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