Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Very Long Time-Out

Theo's been getting in a bit of trouble at school lately, and he was talking to me about it in the car:

Theo: And if you are messing around at the lunch table, Mom, you will get a very, very long time-out.
Me: I see. Did Teacher Amanda give you a long time-out?
Theo: Yeah...
Me: Oh. Well, maybe you shouldn't mess around at the lunch table....
Theo: It was a big, big time-out, Mom. I think it was about 66 minutes.
Me (laughing): Sixty-six minutes? Probably not quite...
Theo: Sixty-six minutes, Mom. Or maybe a thousand....

That's really quite a time-out. Not that I haven't been tempted to put him on a thousand-minute time-out myself....

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