Sunday, June 15, 2014

Police Intervention

We've been on vacation for a couple of weeks, but one morning we had an interesting start to the day after I turned off the cartoon Theo was watching:

Theo (picking up the unplugged hotel phone): I'm calling the police to come talk to you, Mom!
Me: Really? Why?
T: Because you turned off my show, and that was NOT a good choice!
Me: Well, I think the police have more important things to do than come talk to me about that.
Theo: They're just going to send the hotel manager to talk to you, Mom. [Pretends to call the cops.] They'll be here in a few minutes, Mom.
Me: Okay, well, I'll be sure to tell the police WHY I turned off the TV--because you tried to hit me. The police won't be very happy to hear about you trying to hit me. They don't like that....
Theo (turning pale): No!! Never mind! They're not coming! Don't tell them!!

Don't try to outsmart your mother, young child....

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