Friday, June 27, 2014

Split Personality

Theo has two very distinct sides to his personality. The other day, they were on full display. First we had this conversation:

Me: Theo, I can pick you up from camp at either 4 or 5 this afternoon. Which would you prefer?
Theo: 5:00, Mom. Because that gives me and Maddy more time to punch each other!

Um...okay. Mr. Prizefighter then proceeded to show everyone who would pay attention the $3 he brought from his piggy bank for that day's field-trip walk to the dollar store, telling them, "I would like to use this to buy my mom a present! I'm going to buy her a candle."

Alas, his sweet idea did not end up happening. The lure of a bow-and-arrow set and a megaphone won out over my candle. A megaphone. Because he's not loud enough already. It's the gift that keeps on giving....

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