Friday, June 27, 2014

Mr. Romantic

So Theo's in love...with Sam's Early Intervention teacher, BeLinda. Every day, he brings something to show her, and I watch my normally self-assured boy get a bit shy and tongue-tied as he talks to her. Not long ago, after we dropped Sam off, he sighed and said, "I just love Teacher BeLinda, Mom. She makes my heart beat soooooo fast!"

Today is BeLinda's last day, much to Theo's dismay. He made her a card that says "I love you, BeLinda. We will miss you," and he picked out a hydrangea to bring to her. I asked him to hold the hydrangea in the car, and he settled the flowers on his lap and said, "I'm going to add lots of extra love to them!" Then he gently kissed the flowers and said, "Now, when Teacher BeLinda sees these, they will be kissing her because I kissed them."

Good heavens, where does he come up with this stuff?! Perhaps he'll be a romance novelist someday....

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