Saturday, November 30, 2013

Another Clever Solution

Theo doesn't particularly like school. There's no tears or drama, and I think he likes his school as much as he'd like any school, but he's not a huge fan, and he'll try any trick in the book to get out of going. Last night's was a creative new one, though. Chris was feeding the boys dinner and asked me if I was going to work. "Sort of," I said. "I'm going to read that autobiography while I take a bath. I didn't have time to shower before I took Theo to school, and then I was busy with Sam's therapy appointments." Theo chimed in with, "See, Mom, THAT is why I don't like to go to school! I want you to be all nice and clean and shiny!"

Nice try, buddy, but your stinky, unwashed mama is still going to take you to school.

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