Thursday, November 7, 2013

Prison for Elves

We have a rule that Theo has to stay in his room until 6:45 a.m. If he wakes up early, he can turn on his light and read or play quietly, but he can't come out and roam the house. (He's noisy, and some of us in this house value sleep. Not Sam, though. He'd be happy to have a playmate anytime after about 4:00 a.m.)

Anyway, the other day I went into Theo's room to bring him his school clothes, and I found him building with blocks. "Cool!" I exclaimed. "What are you building?"

"This is Santa Claus's house," he said, gesturing to the structure in front of him.

"Oh, neat. And what's that one?" I asked, pointing to the smaller structure to his left.

"That's JAIL!" he growled, in his best "scary man" voice.

Ah, interesting. I didn't know there were jails at the North Pole. I guess even the elves can get out of line sometimes.

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