Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Well, If You REALLY Want It...

Theo wants to share everything that is Sam's. Everything. This isn't unusual among siblings, I'm sure, but it was particularly amusing today, when we had the following discussion in the car:

Theo: Mom, what did you get at Target?
Me: Bubble bath, hand soap, some prune juice for Sam.
Theo: I want to share Sammy's prune juice! I would like to have some!
Me (laughing): No, I don't think you need prune juice.
Theo: Why not? I want some!
Me: Because people drink prune juice when they can't poop. You poop quite regularly.
Theo: If I don't poop, then I can have prune juice!!

I suppose. If he only knew that most normal people don't clamor for prune juice. Yet another reason why he'd fit in very well at that "old-person daycare" he aspires to go to.

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