Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Well, That's One Solution...

Theo has a weird dairy allergy. He can eat some dairy just fine. Other dairy makes him break out in eczema and itch. Still other makes him break out in full-blown hives. It's hard to tell what will trigger a reaction, so we mostly just avoid it. Still, sometimes we make exceptions. That's what sparked today's conversation:

Theo: Mommy, can I share one of your potato bites?
Me: No, honey, it has dairy.
Theo: But I can try just a little bite!
Me: Well...I suppose, but you might break out in a rash. If you do, we'll have to put cream on it for you.
Theo: Okay, Mommy. And can you put some of that sour cream on it?
Me: Nope, if you have sour cream, you will definitely break out in a bad rash!
Theo (imitating my exact tone): Well then you can just definitely put cream on it. 

I suppose that is one way to deal with it. Always with the loopholes...

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