Tuesday, September 3, 2013

More About Booze

The roads around Theo's school are very busy, because we have no buses in our district. So I insisted that Theo hold my hand while crossing the street, but the gentleman doth protest:

Theo: Mommy, I don't NEED to hold your hand!
Me: Yes, you do. There's a lot of cars here.
Theo: But YOU can cross without holding someone's hand!
Me: Yes, because I'm a grown up.
Theo: But I'm 21! The people at Starbucks think so! 
Me (laughing): That's because you ACT like you're 21. But you're really 5.
Theo: I am not! I'm 21! I'm drinking beer and wine RIGHT NOW, Mommy!

Ah, alcohol before school: breakfast of champions.

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