Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I'm Pretty Sure That's Not Legal...

Good grief, I'm raising a delinquent in training:

Me (to Chris): "Theo's class has its first field trip next week. I think I'm going to chaperone."
Chris: "Oh, cool. Where is it?"
Me: "To some art museum that has an exhibit on habitats."
Chris: "An ART museum? For kindergartners?"
And the little delinquent-in-training chimes in with: "An art museum? Why not a beer field trip???"

Um, yes. A BEER field trip would be very appropriate for kindergartners. We'll just head on up to the Budweiser factory in Fairfield and take the kids on a tour. I keep thinking Theo's going to be the frat boy who shows up at the party yelling, "Dude, where's the BEER?!?"

(The weirdest part about this is that I loathe beer, and I've seen Chris drink a beer exactly one time in eight years. So it's not like we're a big beer-guzzlin' family.)

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