I realize I'm his mother and thus a bit biased, but Theo is a really smart kid. I mean, really smart. His brain runs a mile a minute, and he makes connections that amaze me. That said, my uber-smart little guy can also be less than bright at times...like this morning....
When Theo was about a year old, a friend got him a toy hammer that makes funny little fake "hammer" sounds when you pound it on things. I recently pulled it out of toy storage for Sam, but of course Theo likes to play with anything that's Sam's, so he's been wandering around with it. This morning, he was trying to hammer on various surfaces to see which ones would trigger the sounds and which ones wouldn't. You have to strike a surface with a fair amount of firmness to get it to work, so he pounded it on the table and said, "Look, Mom, it works on the table!" Then he tried it on the window blinds and announced that it didn't work there. Then he began to hammer his crotch and announced, "Mom, look! The hammer works on my 'peanut'!"
Hammering your 'peanut,' Theo...really?? So smart, and yet...so not!
[By the way, he actually used the correct terminology, but I'm changing it here so creeps trolling the Internet for questionable material don't hit on my blog!]
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