Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How to Win Friends and Influence People, Part II

On his second day of swimming, Theo continued his trend of making amusing remarks to his instructor. Among my favorites:

Teacher Karen (hoping to make a point about using "listening ears" in the pool): And do you remember what we said about our ears, Theo?
Theo: Um...they have a lot of wax in them.


Theo (inspecting a broken pool toy): Why is this broken?
Teacher Karen: Oh, I can fix it....
Theo: It's cheap.

I think what's so darn amusing about Theo is that he says this stuff completely matter-of-factly, without any sense of being a smart aleck. He is making an honest, straightforward statement about things when he tells his teacher that our ears have a lot of wax in them, that her pool toys are cheap, that old people fart a lot, etc. Which makes it all the harder not to laugh when he comes out with this stuff!

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