Lately, Theo is experimenting with new words...with some success. Emphasis on "some." Yesterday, for example, I was out of patience with him for being noisy while Sam was trying to take a much-needed nap, and I said, "If you wake your brother up, I will be furious!" He misheard that as "serious," and for the rest of the day kept applying the word "serious" to anything that annoyed him, as in, "I was serious with the McDonald's drive-through for forgetting my fries!"
More amusing was his attempt to cast judgment on Starbucks the other day. We were visiting Grandma Diane, and we decided we'd go through the Starbucks drive-through to get a treat for Grandma Diane and me. Only Theo didn't want to go, since there was nothing in it for him. So he announced, "Mommy, I do not want to go to Starbucks! It's not any fun for me! Starbucks is boring, and it's unique!"
I have no idea what word he was going for there, but I had to laugh, since Starbucks is anything but unique! I mean, I love their coffee, but it's certainly not unique--more like ubiquitous!
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