Theo is dying to go to daycare. He thinks it's the ultimate in excitement, and he asks about it all the time. Today's conversation went like this:
Theo: I want to go to daycare!
Me: Mommy works at home, so you don't have to go to daycare.
Theo: When Mommy doesn't work, I can go to daycare!
Me: Well, not quite. If I don't work, I'm still at you still don't go to daycare.
Theo: When Mommy is up in the stars [translation: DEAD!], I can go to daycare.
Me (snickering): Well, I'm hoping not to be up in the stars anytime soon.
Theo: When I am 91 years old, I can go to daycare!
Me (laughing more): It's not the same kind of daycare when you're 91....
Theo: What kind of daycare is it?
Me: Old-person daycare...
Theo: What do you do at old-person daycare?
Me: Um, drool a lot. (Yes, I realize that's a horrible joke, but I couldn't help it!)
Theo: Are there toys there?
Me: No, you don't play with toys when you're 91....
Theo: Then what do you do?
Me: Um, sit quietly and eat soft, mushy foods.
That stopped the questioning...for a while. He doesn't particularly care for soft, mushy foods, so perhaps I have taken away the allure of daycare?!
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