Thursday, April 10, 2014


So, I recently added author to my list of jobs, and Theo's been talking about how he wants to write books too. Had an amusing conversation on the way to school the other day.

Theo: I'm writing a book, Mom. [Said as he types away on a keyboard he brought in the car.]
Me: Really? Cool! On what?
Theo: It's called "The History of Beer and Wine, 1987."
Me (laughing): Okay... That's an unusual choice for a kid your age.
Theo: I need to know when wine was invented.
Me: Hmmm, I'm not sure, but I'm sure it was thousands of years ago.
Theo: Could you look that up for me?

Evidently I'm now his research assistant. Hope I get a credit in the Acknowledgments for that.

(In case you're wondering, Chris looked it up, and it was supposedly in Georgia (country, not state!) in 6000 B.C.)

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