Theo, who is generally a fan of challenging any and all rules, becomes quite the Rules Police when it suits him—like when he's trying to avoid going to bed. Tonight, like many nights, he went to bed and then got up 10 minutes later, insisting he had to go to the bathroom. I wasn't sure whether Chris had made him go before getting ready for bed, and Chris was now closed in the master bedroom, putting Sam to bed, so I couldn't ask him. So, I relented and told Theo to hurry up, go potty, and get back to bed.
"But Mom," he said, "you gotta follow the rules. Teacher Lorena knows the rules."
"What rules?" I asked.
"I'm going to tell you, Mom," he informed me, as he very slowly went to the bathroom and carefully pulled his PJs back up. "First you go potty, and then you need to wash your hands. You gotta wash your hands after you go potty, Mom. That's the rule. And then I'm going to need some lotion, too, because my hands are dry...."
It should be noted that at any other time of the day, Theo will argue loudly if told to wash his hands after going to the bathroom. Because apparently, the rules only apply when they can be used to stall bedtime!
My nephew (3 1/2) uses the potty excuse all the time to postpone bedtime. On the topic of the rules, though, he enlightened me that the rule at school is: dump potty wash. He said it so fast together, I couldn't quite understand what he was getting at. He explained they dump their lunch dishes, go potty, then wash their hands... you know: dump potty wash. Duh Auntie Jonna!
Ha! I was thinking of another kind of dump. ;-)
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