Lately, Theo is somewhat obsessed with the band AC/DC. This love started because I don't like AC/DC, and so surely if Mommy doesn't like them, then they must be the coolest thing ever! Plus, his way-cool bus driver likes AC/DC, so again...way cooler than Mommy.
Anyway, Theo's bus driver asked me if I minded if he played rock music for Theo on the way to school, as he knows Theo aspires to be a rock star. I said it was fine...naively assuming that the driver would use reasonably good judgment about what songs are appropriate for a five-year-old. As it turns out, I should not have assumed that--he played "Highway to Hell" for Theo, and now Theo wanders around singing that.
Now, really, it's not a bad song--nothing too questionable in there except the word "hell." But I don't really want him using the word "hell," so I told him it wasn't a nice word. And now I keep getting quizzed about it. Like this exchange from yesterday:
Theo (singing): I'm on a highway to hell...
Me: Theo, I told you that's not a nice word for you to say.
Theo: Then why does AC/DC say it?
Me: Because they're grown-ups, so sometimes they say things that aren't nice. That doesn't mean it's okay for you to say it.
Theo: Are they kind of naughty?
Me: I suppose, yes. They shouldn't say that.
Theo: Are they gonna go to jail for a long, long time?
Me (laughing): For saying "hell"? No, probably not. It's just not very nice.
Theo: Are they going to go to jail for a thousand minutes?
Me: No...
Theo: Mommy, how old is AC/DC?
Me: They've been around a while....
Theo: I think they're like 99 years old, Mommy.
Me (laughing again): Um, no. They're not that old.
Theo: I think they are, Mommy. Or maybe 98....
So there you go: The good fellas of AC/DC are rapidly approaching centenarian status, and they're about to be thrown in jail for using the word "hell." Oh, how the mighty have fallen....
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