Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Dangers of YouTube

Theo loves to watch videos on YouTube. And for a while, he kept managing to find "inappwopwiate" videos, so I took YouTube off the iPad--but the smart little turkey figured out how to access YouTube on a Web browser, so I was foiled. And by then he was old enough to usually realize when something is "inappwopwiate," and he will turn it off and announce it to me loudly. So, I relented and put YouTube back on.

One thing he likes on YouTube is a little video of a song called "Cool Things to Find." I think it's a kids' song about exploring and finding neat treasures or some such thing. Harmless. Except that he stumbled upon a parody of it called "Cool Ways to Die." The song sounds exactly the same, so it took a couple of times of hearing it before I realized what it was and put an end to him watching it. But by then, the damage was done. He's now fascinated by it and keeps talking about it. He wanders around singing, "Dead things to many dead things to find!" which sounds like some sort of serial-killer theme song!!

But worse, it has brought about the dreaded, "Mom, what does 'die' mean?" question. I answered, "It means to go up to the stars, honey," because a while back we talked about people and animals going up to the stars when they get very, very old. (My dad isn't living, my Mom's dog passed away, and Chris's parents' cat passed we had to come up with something, as Theo wondered about his grandfather and these pets.)

So yesterday, in typical abrupt Theo fashion, he announced out of the blue, "Mom, if there's fire coming out of your head, you need to go up to the stars." This delivered with absolutely no emotion--just as if stating fact. I started to laugh and then realized he was serious and said, "Oh! Yes. If there was fire coming out of your head, you would probably go up to the stars." And I realized that the lovely "Cool Ways to Die" parody has a shot of someone whose head is on fire.

Thank you, YouTube...

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