Theo has been throwing out the word "butt" whenever possible lately, largely because he knows he's not supposed to say it. And so, this morning, as we got in the car, I got this question:
Theo: Mommy, can people say "butt" when they're 91?
Um, yes...I suppose they can. And isn't that a reason why we should all aspire to live to age 91?!
You have some genuinely beneficial information composed here. Good job and keep posting good stuff.
I have to say, while looking through hundreds of blogs daily, the theme of this blog is different (for all the proper reasons). If you do not mind me asking, what's the name of this theme or would it be a especially designed affair? It's significantly better compared to the themes I use for some of my blogs.
It's just a stock blogger theme. I don't know what name it is....
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