Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Whole Foods Has Everything...

This morning, I had to take Theo with me to my 33-week OB appointment. Overall, it was a somewhat nightmarish visit that I hope not to repeat--future visits will definitely be scheduled when he's in preschool and I can go on my own! But we did have a few amusing moments.

First, he was greatly interested in everything in the room--especially the stirrups on the OB exam table. He thought they looked like the controls on a backhoe, so he had quite a lot of fun "driving" the exam table like a construction vehicle.

After that, he decided he wanted to feel the baby move, so I pulled up my shirt to expose my belly and let him put his hands on. He does this several times a day to say hi to the baby--it's very sweet. Today, though, we had this exchange:

Theo: Mama doesn't have a belly button anymore! [Yes, I do--but barely! I'm mourning the loss of it.]
Me: Yep, it's going away.
Theo: Mama needs to get a new belly button!
Me: Yep. Where do you think I should get one?
Theo: At Whole Foods!
Me (laughing): Whole Foods carries belly buttons? I didn't know that!
Theo: Yes. I think they're in Aisle 6, with the diapers.

So there you go--Whole Foods is the store that has everything!


Janeane Wyatt said...

Not only do I love how he's so specific about on WHAT aisle belly buttons can be found, but he also knows it's the aisle where one can find diapers!!!

Ummm, I'm thinking he inherited his Daddy's love and knowledge of grocery stores!!!!

Cathleen said...

Yeah, he certainly didn't get that from me! ;-)

Diapers are actually on Aisle 6 at Nugget near our old house, so I think that's where he came up with that. One day we went to Nugget, and he told me, "Want to look at diapers. They're on Aisle 6." And I thought he was just making it up, since he hasn't worn diapers in a year and a half (and we never bought them at Nugget even when he did). But nope--he was right. They are indeed on Aisle 6 at Nugget!

Jonna said...

That is hilarious!!! He knows how to shop!

I never would have thought of the OB stirrups as being controls on a backhoe, but that picture makes it look quite logical.