Theo doesn't particularly like school. There's no tears or drama, and I think he likes his school as much as he'd like any school, but he's not a huge fan, and he'll try any trick in the book to get out of going. Last night's was a creative new one, though. Chris was feeding the boys dinner and asked me if I was going to work. "Sort of," I said. "I'm going to read that autobiography while I take a bath. I didn't have time to shower before I took Theo to school, and then I was busy with Sam's therapy appointments." Theo chimed in with, "See, Mom, THAT is why I don't like to go to school! I want you to be all nice and clean and shiny!"
Nice try, buddy, but your stinky, unwashed mama is still going to take you to school.
Last week, Theo uttered this:
"Mommy, when Sam is four and needs a timeout, I'll make sure he doesn't have the iPad. Because I'll be in charge by then."
Um...yeah. Because at the ripe old age of 7, evidently you get to be in charge.